BEEF Ending Explained!

BEEF Ending Explained

BEEF Ending Explained
BEEF Ending Explained

“The Beef Unfolds: Road Rage to Revenge”

Well, if it isn’t the show that’s a vegan’s worst nightmare – “Beef” on Netflix, a 24’s insane drama comedy that will have you thinking twice about ever honking your horn at a stranger. In this article, we’ll be taking a deep dive into its ending, the characters, and getting to the bottom of what actually happened.

So grab your Burger King chicken sandwiches, and make sure to like and subscribe because here we go. “Beef” follows two tragically flawed characters – Danny Cho, a struggling contractor who attempts suicide with carbon monoxide from hibachi grills, and Amy Nakai, a lonely housewife who pleasures herself with her husband’s firearm. So basically, two mentally stable individuals.

About Beef Netflix Series

Movie (Series)Beef
GenreBlack comedy, Comedy-drama, Psychological drama, Thriller, Tragicomedy
Created byLee Sung Jin
StarringSteven Yeun, Ali Wong, Joseph Lee, Young Mazino, David Choe, Patti Yasutake
Music byBobby Krlic
Country of originUnited States
Original languageEnglish
No. of seasons1
No. of episodes10

“Figures of Light: Carl Jung’s Influence on ‘Beef'”

The “beef,” the show is named after, occurs between these two characters in episode 1. The two get into a road rage incident, sparking a path of revenge with their beef escalating to ever more dangerous levels as their lives slowly implode around them.

This leads us to the beginning of the show’s final episode. Amy has lost her husband, custody of her daughter, and her business is likely gone too after her employer was severed in half by a panic room door. Danny has ruined his relationship with his brother Paul, accidentally burned down his parents’ home he’s been saving up for years, and is wanted by the police for kidnapping Amy’s daughter. Their beef has essentially destroyed both their lives, but as I’ll point out later on, this beef will be ultimately what saves them.

Just like in episode 1, the final episode begins with a case of road rage, this time on the dangerous winding cliffs of Southern California, which sees both of their vehicles plummeting over the edge. But what happens next is truly absurd – two crows talk to one another, commenting on the crash. Yes, two crows talking to each other.

“The Psyche of ‘Beef’: Jungian Philosophy and Transformation”

The show, until this point, hasn’t had any sort of magical realism like this, but this absurdity parallels the absurdity of Amy and Danny’s beef. It’s weird, silly, and at times funny, just like their beef. We also get this strange artwork with the episode’s title, “Figures of Light.” In fact, every episode features a piece of art accompanied with the episode’s title, derived from quotations from famous writers and thinkers. “Figures of Light” comes from Carl Jung’s alchemical studies, and these figures refer to the potential transformation and spiritual growth that exist within us.

Some examples of these archetypical figures he talks about include the wise old man, the nurturing mother, the healer, and only by integrating these figures of light into our psyche can we access our deepest potential for growth and transformation. In this episode, Amy and Danny tap into these figures of light as they begin to see each other for who they really are, rather than their rage, which has clouded their judgment.

The Poison of Hatred: From Road Rage to Enlightenment”

The colors emanating from the ground represent the Skittles they puke out – a physical representation of them letting go of their hate and embracing each other for who they really are. The real poison here is their hatred. In fact, the two get to a point of understanding each other so well that there’s a moment both characters switch bodies – Amy speaks from Danny’s body and vice versa.

It’s not until Amy and Danny eat the poisonous plant that the two come to this enlightenment. But before we get to that moment, the two are still at each other’s throats. “Why did you make me do that?” Even though Danny pushes Amy off the cliff, he still thinks it was her fault, stating, “Why’d you make me do that?” Both characters can’t let go of their beef; they can’t see how they themselves have contributed to the problem. In fact, their choices in the cosmic expanse of cause and effect have led them to this very moment.

Hallucinations and Revelation: Confronting the Darkness Within

“You’re born, my choices, and suddenly, you’re here.” At any moment, either of these characters could have been the bigger person and stopped the feud. A perfect example of this occurs here. Next time someone honks at you, maybe let it go. Or maybe next time, think twice before you honk. How about that? But something within them doesn’t let them let go. It’s only by letting go that both of them can grow and become better people for it, or as Jung would say, be transformed by these figures of light.

After eating the poisonous plant, both characters face the darkness of their past, and it turns out both of them share the same fear – the fear of being alone. As a kid, Amy’s parents never wanted her, and as an adult, she’s now lost her husband and daughter. Danny felt alone, and the only thing he could cling onto was his brother Paul. He even threw out his college applications so he wouldn’t leave him.

The Necessity of Beef: Transformative Growth Through Strife

As they delve deeper into their hallucination, the two come to see each other for who they really are, which is physically represented by the two of them switching bodies. Here, Danny is in Amy’s body and sees her back tattoo on his body. It’s a bit confusing, but this allows them to see just how lonely the two really are.

Danny and Amy needed their beef because, without it, they’d never grow as characters and become better people. Danny would have either killed himself or continued to screw up his brother Paul’s life. Amy would have continued to bottle her emotions and secrets and resent her family for it and likely pass this on to her daughter June – her biggest fear is turning her daughter into what her parents turned her into.

Unveiling Secrets: Amy’s Manifestation and the Drama of Original Choice

In episode 8, we’re introduced to this weird-looking woman inspired by Viola Swamp from the Miss Nelson book series. She’s the manifestation of Amy’s secrets, which first appear when she finds out her father is having an affair. She kept this secret hidden because, as the mysterious woman says, “I can’t tell secrets.” “How come?” “Because no one would love you.”

The finale allows Amy and Danny to reveal those darkest parts of themselves they haven’t revealed to anyone. Danny tells Amy about his aborted suicide attempts and how he almost stabbed Paul’s eye out as a child. Amy tells Danny that George and her daughter don’t feel like home to her, that their love is conditional, and this idea of unconditional love is something Amy has yearned for her entire life.

Mayonnaise and Reflection: The Philosophical Conclusion of ‘Beef’

And as I’ll argue at the end of the video, it’s something she’ll get from Danny. And as the two come to better understand each other, their journey ends with a camera zooming into the ground – the same image that was briefly shown for a few seconds in episode 7.

And it’s here some have argued that Amy and Danny have died – they have returned to the Earth from which they came, as Amy even says at the end of the episode, “Nothing less.” Remember, these guys survived a horrific car crash, lost lots of blood, had no water, and ate an extremely poisonous plant. But I want to hear what you thought about this – did they die here, or does what happens next actually happen?

Beyond Death: The Controversial Ending and Fan Theories

The next morning, Amy and Danny make it back to civilization. Their phones receive reception, and even though the messages coming in are extremely negative, such as Paul telling his brother he’s blocking him or finalizing the child custody papers for Amy, the two seem happy just to be alive. They make their way into a tunnel where George unexpectedly shows up and shoots Danny.

Although Danny is silhouetted here, it’s likely George knew it was Danny and, given their history, saw him as a threat. This leads us to the hospital where Danny is hooked up to a ventilator. By his side is Amy; she obviously cares for him and has a flashback of the first time they met in the parking lot of Foresters – the meeting that started their beef in the first place.

Free Will and Unconditional Love: ‘Beef’s Philosophical Underpinnings

We get this interesting shot of Amy pausing for a moment before deciding to give Danny the finger. This just goes to show that our lives are a series of choices that lead you to the present, and these choices are not necessarily predetermined; rather, the result of our free will. Her choice to give Danny the finger has led her here, not some predestined act.

Episode 8 is even titled “The Drama of Original Choice,” which refers to a concept in philosophy that the choices we make in life are not determined solely by external factors, but rather our own desires, values, and beliefs. The final scene is also accompanied by the Smashing Pumpkins song “Mayonnaise,” whose lyrics reflect the themes of regret, loss, and understanding. In many ways, it holds a mirror to Amy and Danny’s journey.

Conclusion for BEEF Ending Explained

Amy gets up and crawls beside Danny, embracing him. This isn’t a romantic love, nor is it something platonic – this is that unconditional love that thing she’s been yearning for her entire life, that thing both of them have been yearning for. They know each other’s darkest secrets, fears, insecurities, and yet still love each other unconditionally.

And as this happens, it looks as though the day turns into night, fast-forwarding in time, suggesting she’s by his side the whole way through. But strangely, the colours start to change, reflecting the same colours from the Skittles. These colours represent transcendence – Amy and Danny have gone through their darkness and come out the other side as better people. Their journey of hate has led them to one of love.

But what did you think of “Beef”? I want to hear all your thoughts and theories in the comments below.

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